

CapitolTrack is your daily dashboard for tracking and reporting on California bills from idea to law.



BudgetTrack keeps you informed about changes that could impact your interests in California’s state budget.



ContributionTrack simplifies your California giving strategy with a fundraiser event calendar and reporting tools.


Calendar Feed Links

Calendar Feeds      More bills are being set for committee hearings every day. Keep on top of your calendar with a Calendar Feed! Import a dynamic feed of your bills set for hearing into any digital calendar like Outlook, Apple Calendar or Google Calendar. Follow these steps to create your own Calendar Feed: Click the Web Link icon to the right of the calendar report you’d like to import.  Then copy the URL in…

Mass Reviewing Bills

Mass Reviewing Bills      The Introduction Deadline was last Friday, February 17th and there are 2,745 measures introduced for the 2023-24 session. Review all those bills as efficiently as possible by using CapitolTrack’s Mass Review feature:      The Checkboxes down the left side of your report allow you to select all the bills on the page which aren’t relevant to your interest. Then, at the bottom or top of the report, use the…

Rename Your Tracking Fields

Rename Your Tracking Fields      The Tracking Form fields you use to manage your bill file can be relabeled to match your use. You may want ‘Assigned’ to read ‘Analyst’ or ‘Organization’ to read ‘Client’; Edit your fields by following these steps:      Navigate to Settings and Tools by clicking on your username in the upper-right corner, while logged into CapitolTrack. Then find the Systems Option page, under Maintenance and scroll down to…

ChatGPT Summaries

New Summaries by ChatGPT      By now you’ve heard about ChatGPT; an artificial inteligence that’s reshaping professional fields from engineering to medicine. At CapitolTrack we’ve leveraged this technology to provide you with new summaries of bill text which we call Laymen’s Summaries:      Starting today, we’ve added the Laymen’s Summary to the list of summary tabs available on the bill information page. It would be a huge help if you could let us…

CapitolTrack Past Tips

    New Tools in CapitolTrack      We’ve released many new tools in CapitolTrack Version 3.5 and announced each debut with an email like this one.  Check our CapitolTrack, Tip of the Week page, if you’re concerned that you might have missed a past Tip introducing a new feature.      Review this page for a collection of past Tips, and click ‘Read More’ at the bottom of each to view the Tip in…

Scheduled Reports Banner

Scheduled Email Banner      Scheduled reports in CapitolTrack Version 3.5 now allow for a customized banner to be added. Brand your scheduled email with your logo, add instructions or a message for your recipient with a Scheduled Email Banner. Here’s how:      Navigate to Settings and Tools by clicking on your username in the upper-right corner of CapitolTrack V3.5. Click ‘Scheduled Email Banner’ to reach a tool for building a banner which will…

Introducing Masthead

Introducing Masthead         Masthead offers customization and branding for your reports. Logos and custom fonts can be applied to the header and footer of your report using the new dropdown menu located above Header 1 when editing a report. Here’s how it works:      Use the ‘i’ shown above near the Masthead to open an instructional document of what we need to build your custom Masthead. Send us a draft of how you’d…

Create a New Report Category

Create a New Report Category      Organize your reports by creating Categories. Use these as folders to keep your account organized. Create named categories of your personal reports or keep all of your Web Reports in one place: Create a new Category for your reports by clicking on ‘Save’ above any existing report: Next, type the name of the new Category in the dropdown menu:   Save the report and the new category will…

Extraordinary Session Search

  Extraordinary Session Search      The start of the 2023-24 session brought with it an Extraordinary Session regarding California oil prices. Find and track all the Extraordinary Session bills by following these steps:      Create a New Report and Navigate to the Keyword Filters tab. In the box, type “Measure Contains *X*.” Then use the Bill Filters Tab to select Tracked, NonTracked and Archived Sources.      Click Run at the bottom right…

Categories Cleanup

    Categories Clean-Up      Start this new session with a clean account by removing any outdated Categories. Follow these steps to remove Categories from the Reports section of your Workspace: Method 1: A Category will be removed when it no longer contains any reports. Deleting all the reports under a Category is the fastest way to remove it altogether.  Method 2: Move reports you’d like to keep to a new Category. First, run…