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Maintain visibility to all California state fundraising events and active candidate campaigns

Keep your client contribution history at your fingertips.

Ensure FPPC adherence with recommendations for giving on a client-by-client basis

“ContributionTrack is my fundraising event calendar and FPPC compliance aid.”Alice Smith Lobbyist
Keep track of all your California giving programs

ContributionTrack makes it easy
- Candidate and member campaign lookup
- Client-level contribution history
- Contribution limit calculator
- Flexible reporting to Excel or the web
How ContributionTrack works
A comprehensive calendar of fundraisers for California Office. Budget for clients, report on quarterly spending and ensure compliance with FPPC limits, all in one place.
Get the complete tracking solution
Track California bills
CapitolTrack is your daily dashboard for tracking and reporting on California bills from idea to law.
Track budget changes
BudgetTrack keeps you informed about changes that could impact your interests in California’s state budget.
Plan your fundraising
ContributionTrack simplifies your California giving strategy with a fundraiser event calendar and reporting tools.