

CapitolTrack is your daily dashboard for tracking and reporting on California bills from idea to law.



BudgetTrack keeps you informed about changes that could impact your interests in California’s state budget.



ContributionTrack simplifies your California giving strategy with a fundraiser event calendar and reporting tools.



Replacing a User in CapitolTrack

     This time of year you may find the need to update the users who can access your CapitolTrack account. While we’re happy to provide your new user with a login, if this new user is replacing a former user, there are five places you can update your account to complete the replacement:

1. The Assigned Field:


    Click on your username, then Settings & Tools at the top right of the screen and finally Tracking Field List. This page shows all the selections you have available on your Tracking Form. If the new user needs to be Assigned bills, you can add them to this field using the Add button next to Assigned.

2. Report Filters and 3. Headers:


     Run any reports which were filtering for the prior user and click the Filter button above the report. On the Tracking Form Filters tab, you can remove the Assigned filter for the prior user and add the new user as I’ve done above. The report will now display bills Assigned to the new user. 

     Be sure to update the Header on the Report View tab to reflect the report’s new ownership.

4. Report Title and 5.Category:


     The last step is to Save the report with the changes you’ve made. Click Save above the report, then on the Save Report screen, update the Report Name and Description fields to reflect the new user.

     The Category field on this page is used to create named files on the left side of the Workspace under Reports. Type over the prior user’s name with the New user and click ‘Save.’ This will move the report from the former Category to a newly created Category for your new user!

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