

CapitolTrack is your daily dashboard for tracking and reporting on California bills from idea to law.



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Committee and Floor Video Search

     Take a look at the Members / Committees tab and find our latest addition to the utility CapitolTrack provides. The Floor/Committee Video tab is modestly populated with a simple searchbar. Type a phrase or an organization in which you’re interested and find a table of the resulting Committee and Floor videos in which your search terms were found. The videos are ordered by which hearings mentioned your term, most:


     Click on the Title to reach a new page with the video feed of the hearing on the right, and the transcript of the hearing on the left. Note, your search term is highlighted throughout the transcript:


But wait, there’s more!

     Navigate the transcript on the left side and click on the portions which interest you. The video will skip to that part of the recording so you can quickly watch the relevant discussions!

     Find a video on this new feature on our YouTube Chanel.

Find the past Tips of the Week HERE