

CapitolTrack is your daily dashboard for tracking and reporting on California bills from idea to law.



BudgetTrack keeps you informed about changes that could impact your interests in California’s state budget.



ContributionTrack simplifies your California giving strategy with a fundraiser event calendar and reporting tools.



Choose Your Summary

     Bills are being amended more frequently as committee season approaches. Choose the summary of bill text which best suits you when reviewing those amendments. We have several ‘flavors’ to include in your reports:


Summary Brief:

The Summary Brief will shorten the full Legislative Digest to the sections mentioning how ‘this bill would’ change existing law.

Summary Short:

The Summary Short is slightly longer than the Summary Brief and includes the context of ‘Existing law’ requirements and then describes how ‘this bill would’ change those laws.


The Digest is the entirety of the Legislative Digest as written by Legislative Counsel you would find at the top of the bill text.

AI Summary: 

The Artificial Intelligence summary is using Chat GPT to summarize the bill text independently from the other summary types which rely on the Digest.

User Summary:

Typing into the User Summary field will replace the Brief and Short summaries for the measure with what you’ve written, allowing you to ‘override’ summaries for select measures.


     Filter your reports and select your favorite summary on the Report View tab. These four selections can all be found in the first column of ‘Choose items to display on the report’.

Find the past Tips of the Week HERE