

CapitolTrack is your daily dashboard for tracking and reporting on California bills from idea to law.



BudgetTrack keeps you informed about changes that could impact your interests in California’s state budget.



ContributionTrack simplifies your California giving strategy with a fundraiser event calendar and reporting tools.


Password Help

<!– Password Help      Did you forget your login over break? Clear your cookies and it’s not being remembered anymore? Maybe you have a new computer and you haven’t needed to type it in manually in a while. Reset your password right on the login screen for CapitolTrack version 3.5:      Clicking ‘Forgot password’ will send you an email to verify who you are, and then a second email to reset your password…

July 3rd Deadline

July 3rd Deadline Graphs Deadline Review:      July 3rd brought another deadline; J.R. 61(b)(13) which requires all bills to be out of their policy committees and move to fiscal committees or the floor. The bills which failed to advance  were marked Dead in CapitolTrack. Here’s how last Wednesday’s deadline compares with the same deadline from 2022 and 2020:     143 bills failed this deadline as compared to 187 in 2022 and 144 bills…

Subject Budget Calendars

  Subject and Budget Calendars      The CapitolTrack Calendar has options to include both Floor and Committee hearings. In the same way, include Subject and Budget items alongside the measures which are set for hearing. Select ‘Subject Budget’ when setting the Format to Calendar to include these events:      Review all the hearings which don’t feature votes alongside your Committee and Floor calendar events, or keep a separate calendar report of only Subject…

New Location Filter

New Location Filter      Bills are moving quickly through their second house with twelve hundred bills set for hearing in the Assembly and Senate Daily Files. As committees meet and pass bills to Appropriations and the Floor, you’ll often be interested in the measures which were heard by a particular committee of interest. Find those measures with our new, ‘Passed-Thru’ Location Filter.      The Passed-Thru filter can be found at the bottom-right of…

Request for Comment

Request Comments from your Colleagues      Have you tried the collaboration tool in CapitolTrack Version 3.5? It’s a great feature called Request for Comment which you can find at the bottom of every bill text.      Discuss the bill with colleagues, even those who aren’t CapitolTrack users, by sending a Request for Comment email! Fill out the email addresses and add a due date to reply. The request fields show right on the bill…

Search Analyses

Search Analyses      Frequent committee hearings means the legislature is producing Analysis Documents at the fastest pace of the year. Search these analyses and download the resulting documents with a new tool under CTAnalyze: Analysis Search.      Search for a keyword or organization to recieve a table with the measure, location and date of the analysis, how many times your search was mentioned in each document and a button to download the file….

Sort By Text Date

Sort By Text Date      As bills head to their policy committees you can bet they’ll be amended by the hundreds. It’s easy to fall behind this time of year but we can help you manage the workload! Sort your amended bills reports by Text Date to see the most recently amended text, first.      Work from the most recently amended text backward or from the past, forward. Either way, take your review…

Show Attachments on Calendars

Calendars with Attachments      When the Legislature returns from Spring Break, be ready for a busy season of committee hearings. Use Calenadar Reports in CapitolTrack to keep on top of when your bills are being heard! Do you need to keep on top of Position Letters, Facts Sheets or an internal analysis? Include Attachments on Calendar reports to show these crucial documents when they matter most.      Create a policy of uploading your…

Summary Types

Choose Your Summary      Bills are being amended more frequently as committee season approaches. Choose the summary of bill text which best suits you when reviewing those amendments. We have several ‘flavors’ to include in your reports: Summary Brief: The Summary Brief will shorten the full Legislative Digest to the sections mentioning how ‘this bill would’ change existing law. Summary Short: The Summary Short is slightly longer than the Summary Brief and includes the…

Video Transcript Search

Committee and Floor Video Search      Take a look at the Members / Committees tab and find our latest addition to the utility CapitolTrack provides. The Floor/Committee Video tab is modestly populated with a simple searchbar. Type a phrase or an organization in which you’re interested and find a table of the resulting Committee and Floor videos in which your search terms were found. The videos are ordered by which hearings mentioned your term,…