

CapitolTrack is your daily dashboard for tracking and reporting on California bills from idea to law.



BudgetTrack keeps you informed about changes that could impact your interests in California’s state budget.



ContributionTrack simplifies your California giving strategy with a fundraiser event calendar and reporting tools.


Schedulers and Portals

Schedulers and Portals      While the Bill Room continues to crank out measures ahead of the February 21st deadline to have Bills Introduced, some bills’ 30-day waiting period is up, and they’re headed to their first Policy Committees! Need to schedule a meeting to discuss a bill with the Members about to hear it?      Find Members’ Schedulers and Scheduling Portals on both the Member Roster, and on the Committee Rosters. Reaching the…

Welcome Back!

We’re Here to Help      Back to Session Checklist: Start this year with everything you need. If you’d like any help getting your account ready for the start of a new year, let us know and we’ll assist you. Be sure to have the following all set: Introduced and Amended Reports for daily review Reports with date limits that are up-to-date Clean up or add new Report Categories Check your Tracking Form for out-of-date selections Update report titles to reflect Organization name changes Check your…

News on CapitolTrack

News in CapitolTrack      Happy holidays to our CapitolTrack subscribers! You may have noticed a new tab on the navigation bar, next to Workspace and Members. NEWS – providing in-depth political analysis and coverage of key, California issues is now available in CapitolTrack:      Our new partnership with State Affairs has granted us the opportunity to leverage their expertise in journalism to provide you this additional service, at no additional cost!    …

Disable Your Scheduled Reports

Disable Your Scheduled Reports      With the Second Extraordinary Session Concluded on Monday, with the passage of SCRX2 2, the 2023-2024 Session is finally finished. Without new content, the reports you have scheduled to send by email can be disabled until we resume Session on December 2nd.      Disable these automated emails by clicking on your username at the top of the screen, and then Settings and Tools. Find the Schedule Management link…

Code Comparison Graph

Code Section Compare      The 2023-24 Session wrapped up over the weekend with hundreds of Bills being signed into law. While the Extraordinary Session 2 is still underway, here is a recap of all the Code Sections impacted by new laws in 2024:      Find more details of the above graph and the measures creating these new laws using the California Law Code Index under CTAnalyze. This Index lists all new code sections…

Historical Reports

Historical Reports      Take a look at our latest feature! Under CTAnalyze, find the Report History link and use this page to pick a recent date and report. The report we produce will be a snapshot of how CapitolTrack reports looked on that day: Choose from six reports we have available: All Bills Daily Amendments Daily Calendar Daily ECV Daily Introduced Yesterdays Actions      Click ‘View Report’ and the chosen report will populate…

ContributionTrack Events

<!– ContributionTrack Events      Do you have all 189 events on your calendar of fundraisers? Demo ContribtuionTrack today to see our calendar and a calendar feed of all state-wide fundraising events! That’s right – import a calendar feed to your Outlook or Google calendar and all new events will be added and updated within your own calendar: With Appropriations Around the Corner, Don’t Foget the Passed-Thru Filter:      The Passed-Thru filter can be…

Password Help

<!– Password Help      Did you forget your login over break? Clear your cookies and it’s not being remembered anymore? Maybe you have a new computer and you haven’t needed to type it in manually in a while. Reset your password right on the login screen for CapitolTrack version 3.5:      Clicking ‘Forgot password’ will send you an email to verify who you are, and then a second email to reset your password…

July 3rd Deadline

July 3rd Deadline Graphs Deadline Review:      July 3rd brought another deadline; J.R. 61(b)(13) which requires all bills to be out of their policy committees and move to fiscal committees or the floor. The bills which failed to advance  were marked Dead in CapitolTrack. Here’s how last Wednesday’s deadline compares with the same deadline from 2022 and 2020:     143 bills failed this deadline as compared to 187 in 2022 and 144 bills…

Subject Budget Calendars

  Subject and Budget Calendars      The CapitolTrack Calendar has options to include both Floor and Committee hearings. In the same way, include Subject and Budget items alongside the measures which are set for hearing. Select ‘Subject Budget’ when setting the Format to Calendar to include these events:      Review all the hearings which don’t feature votes alongside your Committee and Floor calendar events, or keep a separate calendar report of only Subject…