

CapitolTrack is your daily dashboard for tracking and reporting on California bills from idea to law.



BudgetTrack keeps you informed about changes that could impact your interests in California’s state budget.



ContributionTrack simplifies your California giving strategy with a fundraiser event calendar and reporting tools.



Training Videos

     This interim, brush up on your CapitolTrack skills! From finding important bills as session resumes to updating the email addresses associated with your account,  we have short videos on our YouTube channel to get you up to speed:



     We’ve been hard at work adding features to CapitolTrack Version 3.5. Log in and take a look! You’ll find the same, exceptional Search, Track and Report functionality, now buttressed by new tools to help you keep up with California Legislation. 

Here are some new Features you may have missed: 

  • Scheduled Reports
  • Committee Rollcall Cards 
  • AI Searching
  • Committee and Floor Video Feeds
  • Request for Comment 
  • New Calendar Formats
  • Live Editing of Tracking Forms
  • New Member Rosters  formats
  • AI Summaries
  • Masthead Customization
  • Support and Opposition Research

  If we can answer any questions to help you get the most out of CapitolTrack Version 3.5, please give us a call (916) 373 – 0126, Send us an email or schedule a training.

Find the past Tips of the Week HERE